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I would like you to meet some people.
These are both On and Offline friends.
They are all very special,
in their own way.

This is My Kissy Sissy.
(Just like a real sister)
(Denise aka MsStuffy, err.

We are very close.
Both online and off.
She is a great mom,
(Not to me
Also a caring,loving & true friend.
Love ya sis, your da bestest.

Mark aka harrydick38
This is my Internet Mum.
Well actually,
We all call her sis.
She doesn't want ppl to know,
She's OLD, Shhhh. lol
(Marianne aka Migs)

She keep's me inline.
Gives me proper heck,
when I fight with my net sibblings.
Very strong & Curageous woman.
I wanna be just like her,
When I grow up.
Love ya Migsy!!!
Mmm Sexy ain't he?
*Licks Lips* lol
(Stacy aka MuddyBoy)

This is my cute lil kermie.
He's mine & my Muchkins protector.
He's gotta be special,
considering he has his own page, eh? lol
Love ya cutie
*~!Snuggles!~* & Smootches~
Heather 'n' Me...
If you asked me a few years ago,
if I thought I would be in Heathers wedding?
I woulda laughed & said HELL NO!!!
But then I got to know her.
She's one of the bestest friends,
a girl could have.

Doug & Kate...
This guy is the best...
Doug played for our local hockey team.
He spent 2 seasons getting to know Kate.
She absolutely adored him.
She didn't talk to him,
but he did finally get a
